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Social network FACEBOOK. Thief of the leisure time or a good friend?
24. 05. 2017

Time changes so now during the first meeting with someone you will ask- what your Facebook name is or what your phone number is. Even you will not be surprised if you receive a friend request from your mom, grandfather, teacher or a friend from the day care. Do you agree? What is your attitude towards the Facebook? Do you consider it to be the thief of the time or a good friend? If your attitude is rather negative, in the following article we will show you the positive side which you could effectively use in your job.

Facts about the Facebook

Social network Facebook was established in the 2004 and today it is used by more than 1.5 billion of active users. If the target group of your business is the whole Slovakia, thanks to Facebook you can reach 200.000 active users in Slovakia. And that is quite pretty number, isn´t it?

How use the Facebook effectively for promotion of the product or service? Or how the company EUNICA MEDIA, s.r.o. uses the Facebook?

Social network Facebook offers you many opportunities how to promote your product, brand or service. The first step for starting activities in Facebook is creating the user account (in case you were defending it till now) and the fan page where you will present what you need. Do you want to differentiate from others and achieve the success of your Facebook communication? Try the advices which we follow in our EUNICA MEDIA Facebook page:

- Add the new eye-catching content to attract the new people, for example we can mention the Facebook communication of our company EUNICA MEDIA, s.r.o. Because we are advertising agency providing the outdoor promotion, we use photographic documentation as the advertising tool of the further promotion of our client. Of course, for free.

- Think like a fan, engage them into affairs on you page and ask for their opinion.

- Facebook is also the ideal option for people who like to have fun. People like to compete and you don´t need to promise big winnings, little things are enough. Use your product or service in the competition questions, for instance companies which promote the cosmetics- mention the product which was the most sold for the May (clue can be on your webpage). Caution- competitions must be really sophisticated and easy. Since the main activity of the company EUNICA MEDIA, s.r.o. is the rental of the billboard and megaboard spaces, we tried the competition in which people competed for the free rental of one advertising space. And statistics after the competition? Stunning.

- Communication- direct, sometimes funny, with the emphasis on the information value. Don´t forget that you are communicating in the community where the formality isn´t required. Speak naturally- your base is created by real profiles- real people. You can use the formality for the email communication and web.

Facebook is the place where you can afford to be non-formal, but this communication has also its basic rules. Effective Facebook strategy of the company EUNICA MEDIA, s.r.o.:EUNICA_FB

User interaction is the best indicator which will tell you if the communication on your Facebook page is on the right track or not. Experiment and mainly don´t be afraid to have fun. Company EUNICA MEDIA, s.r.o wishes you good luck.

Eunica Media, s.r.o. © 2016